I have a problem with the HDLC receiving program course design. 1. Should the schematic device buffer, SRAM and other devices be generated using VHDL language or can they be found in the software? 2.
[align=center][/align] [url=https://www.eeworld.com.cn/a16621][size=5][b]FPGA Application Development Introduction and Typical Examples[/b][/size][/url] [align=left]This book starts with the history o
The lwip of stm32f746 is modified using the official lwip bare metal code of stm32f756. The host computer uses QT. Since I don't have a suitable USB camera, I wrote a test code to simulate sending vid
I made a device that uses GPRS to send data before. When I showed the effect to the teacher, I used Sockettool software, but the teacher kept emphasizing that this is a "debugging tool" and not a clie