Capacitor is one of the basic components in electronic circuits and has important and widespread uses. According to application classification, most capacitors are often divided into four types: AC coupling, including bypass (passing AC and blocking DC); decoupling (filtering AC signals or filtering out high-frequency signals superimposed on DC signals or filtering out power supplies) , low-frequency components in reference power and signal circuits); active or passive RC filtering or frequency selection networks; analog integrators or sample-and-hold circuits (capture and store charge). This series of courses conducts in-depth research and discussion on the selection and use of capacitors.
It's a new year, can you come up with some new sections? Since last year, I have been trying to let the administrators and staff know my urgent hope.
I hope to open a USB section. I see other forums h
[color=#000]TMS320F2812 has an internal integrated ADC conversion module, which has the following functions: [/color] [color=#000]1. 12-bit ADC core, built-in dual sample-and-hold (S/H); [/color] [col
At just 10mm thin, this article will reveal the design secrets of Sony Ericsson's full-featured, ultra-thin candy bar phone, showing the perfect details under its LCD panel and highlighting the innova