My home weather camera has started working, and all the content I share will be shared in this post. The whole process is open source! Welcome everyone to give advice. I am a complete novice, so I hop
When using the make command of qmake, the following error occurs:make: g++: command not found make: *** [hello.o] Error 127What should I do?UBUNTO 10.0 system, qt novice, please give me some advice
Common capacitors are:
Aluminum electrolytic capacitor: polarity, large capacity, can withstand large pulsating current, but has large capacity error and leakage current, suitable for low-frequency by
Zhou Ligong has an LED routine in Easyarm8962. I want to simulate it on proteus, but it doesn't work. I don't know what the problem is. The routine is to make the LED light turn on and off regularly u
[backcolor=rgb(239, 245, 249)][size=14px]I have asked before about the role of the two inductors in the figure above, and the location of the inductors[/size][/backcolor] [backcolor=rgb(239, 245, 249)
Is it feasible to connect my module like this? Do I need to change the jumper mode? How do I change it in the example program? Do I change uar0 to uart1?