I tried to connect VB to the MCU. I burned the following program to the MCU, but it didn't respond. I suspected that VB was wrong. I changed the serial port debugging assistant and sent AA. But it sti
When I use the IQMATH library, I can use temp=_IQ(0.333) to get the correct result, but calling temp2=_IQatan2(temp) only gives the result of temp2=0. Has anyone encountered this problem when using th
[align=left][color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]The concept of voltage and current lead and lag is relative to the relationship between current and voltage. That is to say, for example, if it is a capacitive load
CES 2015 Focus: Reza Kazerounian Introduction to the Internet of Things : https://training.eeworld.com.cn/course/259Dr. Reza Kazerounian, SVP and GM of Atmel's MCU Business Unit, briefly introduced At