MSP430 MCU IAR code examples written by TI engineers (more than a thousand codes), sample codes for various types of chips, learn the program of TI engineers
1. The concept of embedded system Focus on understanding the concept of "embedded" mainly from three aspects. 1. From the hardware perspective, the CPU-based peripheral devices are integrated into the
Low-orbit small satellite communication is an important and growing field in satellite communication applications in recent years. The "Innovation No. 1" small satellite is a storage and forwarding co
[backcolor=rgb(239, 245, 249)]JP1-B8 should be connected to the external sensor, U3-44, U3-42, U3-56, U3-16, U3-4 are connected to the microcontroller pins. Please help me analyze this circuit, how do
[i=s]This post was last edited by dql2016 on 2017-6-17 19:50[/i] MCUXpresso Config Tools is a graphical MCU clock and pin initialization code configuration tool that supports the generation of multipl