1. After allocating pins, the message 'Illegal loc on PAD symbol, IPAD_IBUFG only be located to GclkIOB site syn_nockbuf' appears. This problem is that the system automatically allocates global pins t
The 24L01 in the recorder is closed when it is not reading data. It will only be turned on when the card reader needs to read or write data. There are 10 sockets on the card reader, which can hold 10
Please help me, I want to write a program to store the sound data collected by msp430 microcontroller to SD card and then read it out. Please help me! ! ! Thank you in advance! !
7 Delay and timing When designing a microcontroller application system, you often encounter a situation where a process (such as heating, pressurization, etc.) needs to be continued for a period of