Event link:Goodbye 2019, hello 2020! Write down your year-end summary and New Year's plan!Summary:
@Guo Xuantian
Goodbye 2019, hello 2020!
@ huwei900823
Goodbye 2019, hello 2020. Some of the goals set
6、D/A interface basics(1)D/A converter converts digital quantity into analog quantity. (2)In integrated circuits, T type networks are usually used to convert digital quantity into analog current, and
The IO port of a microcontroller can generally be set to three states: high, low, or high configuration. Generally, the input/output high operation register is written with 0XFF, and the input/output
01Is the solder used in a soldering iron toxic?One netizen complained that he had been using a soldering iron in a PCB factory for a year and felt uncomfortable and his abdomen was a little bloated. I