4. General Hardware Timer TestWhen using an operating system, if some tasks are performed in a software dead-wait manner, the system efficiency will inevitably be affected. Therefore, some slow period
I am a FPGA newbie, and now I have a Verilog question I would like to ask
For example, there is an input data
input [16:0] REG
For ease of use, I now want to disassemble REG, such as
a = REG[16:8];
The synthesis and realization of an analog-phaseshifter, delay line, attenuator, and group delay synthesizer-arepresented. These variable control devices are all implementedusing the same generic sing
This is the source code of the original author of tsg9456 in actual application, I hope it can help everyoneRun codeCopy code#include "synth.h"//-------------------------------------------------------
TI DSP tms320c6416 EDMA test code, including QEDMA, EDMA Link function, Chain function. 1. Common options for c6x compilation (I) The c6x compiler is "cl6x.exe" Method of use Cl6x [options] [filenames
Hall Position Sensor Application Overview : https://training.eeworld.com.cn/course/5274The goal of this video is to provide the basics of Hall sensing, to show many popular examples of use-cases for t