In 1831, Faraday discovered the law of electromagnetic induction. The next year, French scientist Pixie invented the world's first generator based on the law of electromagnetic induction. It was an alternator. After Ampere's suggestion to improve the device, it became The first DC generator was made. Since then, engineers from various European countries have improved the generator... Early generators were mainly used for lighting, so this episode also devotes a considerable proportion of its space to telling everyone about it. Here is the history of modern lighting methods. I hope everyone can capture innovative inspiration from this interesting history of science and technology!
Introduction to Infineon's high-performance real-time signal controller XE166 family :'s XE166 family of high-performance real-time signal controlle
The requirement is to make a fast food settlement system based on RFID, realize the reading and writing of IC cards and display the card number on LCD!