Time: around 17:00, November 20, 2011
Location: Chadianzi Bus Station
Characters: the author, a liar, and four big men.
Today was like every Sunday, I would go back to the company from school, the sam
[code]int ftol(double f) { union d2i { long long i; double d; }fi; ad=f+6755399441055744.0; return fi.i; };[/code] Generally, we can convert floating point numbers to integers by using (int), but such
The CNC milling platform, the motor is running at a speed higher than 100 rpm, everything is normal, when drawing a circle and reversing at 0 90 180 270 degrees, the motor has low-frequency oscillatio
Lesson 15: How to send files to the development board (I) Send files to the development board through the serial port 1. Open the HyperTerminal, power on the development board, and enter the Calibri s