[b][color=#5E7384]This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user [size=3]HI Tanghui[/size]. If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and
In the cmm file of trace32, there are the following lines: .................... .................. RESet SYStem.Down SYStem.RESet MMU.RESet B: sYmbol.RESet MMU.RESet SYStem.CPU arm1176jzf ............
I used the 2410BSP with the built-in simulator in 6.0 and ported it to my own platform, but the USB connection failed because the USB was customized for the serial function. The following data abort a
Among all the questions in the national electronic competition from 2007 to now, which one can be solved with a 51 single-chip microcomputer to fully solve the basic and development parts and stably m
This article and design code were written by FPGA enthusiast Xiao Meige. Without the author's permission, this article is only allowed to be copied and reproduced on online forums, and the original au