[i=s] This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 19:59 [/i] I like to listen to audio programs (锵锵三人行, 开卷八分钟, audiobooks, 单田芳...) on my mobile phone at home (note: at home!!!), so I need
always @(posedge clk )begin if(!reset) out<=0; else if(cnt1==6) out<=1; else if(cnt2==6) out<=1; end Please ask, I did not write the or negedge reset signal in the always condition. When reset is low,
TI Technology Zone will hold more than 20 technical seminars in four days in September 2014. During the exhibition from September 2nd to 5th, there will be a "TI Technology Zone" on site to answer tec