MultiZone™ Security is the first Linux® secure place for RISC-V. The MultiZone demonstration will show how to protect the deterministic behavior of mixed-criticality systems where Linux and real-time systems are in the same PolarFire® device. For security-critical applications that require trusted workloads on untrusted platforms, MultiZone security provides software-defined, hardware-enforced isolation of multiple security zones to completely isolate data, programs, and peripherals. Compared to traditional heavy-duty administrator solutions, MultiZone security is completely self-contained. It presents an extremely limited attack surface (<2KB) and can be formally verified without any changes to existing software. With MultiZone PolarFire Edition, open source software, third-party binaries and code can be configured in minutes for unprecedented security.
[size=14px]1. Memory Mode[/size][align=left][size=14px][size=2]The TMS320C2X/C5X fixed-point processor has two types of memory: program memory and data memory. The program memory mainly contains execu
Reposted from: The famous PCB brother [align=left][color=rgb(62, 62, 62)]I don't know how many D friends have seen the picture below. [/color][/align] [align=left][color=rgb(62, 62, 62)]Yes, I can onl
Get the MSP432P401R evaluation board v1.0 (please note that the hardware schematic diagram currently found on the Texas Instruments official website is v2.0, and the serial port pins of v1.0 are RXD a
I can't read the meter data. The source code is as follows: Please give me some advice. Thank you very much. I am a newbie and don't know where to check my points. If the problem is solved, I will get