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Live Replay: Microchip RISC-V Safe Place

Total of 1 lesson ,14 minutes and 14 seconds

MultiZone™ Security is the first Linux® secure place for RISC-V. The MultiZone demonstration will show how to protect the deterministic behavior of mixed-criticality systems where Linux and real-time systems are in the same PolarFire® device. For security-critical applications that require trusted workloads on untrusted platforms, MultiZone security provides software-defined, hardware-enforced isolation of multiple security zones to completely isolate data, programs, and peripherals. Compared to traditional heavy-duty administrator solutions, MultiZone security is completely self-contained. It presents an extremely limited attack surface (<2KB) and can be formally verified without any changes to existing software. With MultiZone PolarFire Edition, open source software, third-party binaries and code can be configured in minutes for unprecedented security.

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