The I2C bus consists of two bidirectional signal lines, the data line (SDA) and the clock line (SCL), which are pulled up by resistors to achieve switching between high and low levels and exchange dat
This is just a simple program I wrote, but I have no idea about the hardware. Can any expert help me? It uses assembly language. ORG 8000H AJMP DAMOT ORG 8100H DAMOT: MOV DPTR,#9000H MOV A,#80H MOVX @
For some projects, from a functional perspective, either Ti's dsp or STM's arm can meet the needs. However, considering the chip life cycle, supply security, Sino-US relations, etc., when planning to
Power filter The power filter, also known as "power EMI filter" or "EMI power filter", is a passive bidirectional network, an electrical device that effectively filters out a specific frequency point
Hi, I recently compiled an emulator SDK with PB5. After installation, a blank warning window popped up in the VS.NET2005 New Smart Device Wizard dialog box, which made it impossible to build a project