Semiconductor triode is also called crystal triode. It can be said that it is the most important device in electronic circuit. Its main function is current amplification and switching. As the name imp
I am using a MX25L12805D Nor Flash chip with the program firmware burned into it. When the main chip boots and reads the chip, I find that the current ripple is quite large.
Adding a 470UF capacitor s
Analog chip market to hit new high in 2006 as demand increasesAccording to market research firm Databeans, the analog chip market is expected to reach new heights in 2006, with sales reaching $37.5 bi
The wireless business that once revived Chinese portals seems to have passed its most prosperous period, but fortunately these websites have found other ways out. In January this year, the State Adm
The black box is essentially a transceiver. During the flight of the aircraft, it can receive various information collected by the sensors inside the aircraft in a timely manner, and automatically con