The current trend in switching power supplies is to use wide bandgap devices because these devices support higher switching frequencies and higher edge rates. These two factors, in turn, can drive power supplies to become smaller, lighter and cheaper. If you could switch more frequently, the magnetic material and capacitor would become smaller. Higher edge rates lead to greater efficiency: if you can reduce conversion losses, less heat is dissipated and the transistor can complete conversions faster. But these high slew rates also have a downside, in particular, large spike voltages and noise due to layout parasitics, especially the inductance of the PCB layout traces. This seminar will discuss how to evaluate these parasitic inductances and voltage spikes.
[i=s]This post was last edited by qinkaiabc on 2014-1-13 10:47[/i] Virtual Breadboard is a development and simulation environment for microcontroller breadboards. With it, you can quickly build circui
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I recently used the MPC8270 chip that someone else had developed to study, and did not modify the program on the chip. I want to use Tornado to re-download the vxworks system image file and applicatio
The source program of msp430 microcontroller is as follows:#include "bsp.h"
int main( void )
{float cap,capfirst,capfirst1;unsigned int Data_FDC;
// Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset
Today at 10:00 AM, live broadcast with prizes: Market environment is uncertain, but Infineon is very sure to protect IoT devicesClick here to enter the live broadcastLive broadcast time: July 30, 10:0
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