As the title says, when I was in school, I didn't realize the use of drawing flowcharts. I only followed video tutorials to write code, or I copied and pasted other people's code. I never wrote any de
Many RF applications require power combiners or dividers, impedance transformers and directional couplers. In the case of combiners, it is critical, particularly at higher frequencies, that the correc
I am using Energia to transplant the Arduino program to 430. How do I change the interrupt? [/color][/align] [align=left][color=#000]Interrupt.ino: In function 'void interruptSetup()': Interrupt.ino:1
Mr. Shuiyan, please help me check if my understanding of IIC_READ is correct: Flow (referring to the IIC reading process): 1. Set the slave address and status first: I2cCurSla = I2cSla ? 0x01; I2cStat
SDKV2.2 serial port training sends void UART_WriteBlocking(UART_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t length); without defining timeout. I need to use timeout to feed the dog, but this function is n