I'm very depressed today. The S08 board that was fine yesterday was adjusted. I accidentally used a cheap external heating soldering iron to solder it. As a result, I couldn't download the program. I
[size=4]//Function: Call the 28335 internal PWM module to generate the SVPWM output test file [/size] [size=4]//Description: The input information adopts a structure. When using it, changing the struc
Hello everyone, I want to make a multimedia player (powered by an external power supply) to download the resources to be played from the Internet and then play them. Now the download uses WiFi, and th
[size=4] Inductance is a property of an electronic circuit that prevents the flow of electric current from changing. It is very important to note the physical meaning of the word "change", which is a
I am currently working on a program for communication between the upper and lower computers. The upper computer uses VC6 and the lower computer uses C8051F340. The lower computer serial port uses inte
At 11:00 on March 26, Intel invested 2.5 billion US dollars to build a 12-inch chip factory in Dalian to produce motherboard chipsets. This is Intel's first chip production plant in Asia.1, Naming Rul