• Duration:11 minutes and 40 seconds
  • Date:2021/12/25
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: ASIC Verilog
The "Programmable ASIC Design" course is a practical course focusing on the development of field programmable gate array (FPGA) device design methods. With the development of integrated circuits, programmable ASIC design has become a necessary means for experimental and practical courses on digital circuit systems and digital signal processing. The course study focuses on the development of the popular DE series motherboards at home and abroad. It teaches the internal resource structure of FPGA, carries out the study of Verilog HDL language, and uses EDA software such as QuartusII to carry out case study of digital logic circuits, signal processing and SOPC system design.

    The course focuses on the combination of circuit design practice and theory. Taking examples as the learning center, it will teach you step by step the hardware description language and FPGA design and development techniques, SOPC digital system and hardware acceleration development methods, and enhance the ability of innovative design and practical application.
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