The basics and design methods of Verilog hardware description language are explained in detail, and then the frequency divider, which is widely used in digital circuits, is used as an example to show how to use hardware description language to complete FPGA design. He also introduced FPGA application industries and scenarios, and learned about FPGA technology application fields through cases.
What knowledge do I need to use STM32F107+ DM9161AEP to make a data receiving and sending based on LWip? Why can't I use the functions in api.h after declaring it in the main function when using the r
I am developing a USB stream driver under WinCE. I have implemented the USBInstallDriver function. When I use ActivatedEvice to activate the device in the USBDeviceAttach function, GetLastError() retu
Hello everyone, are there any friends who use infrared thermal imagers in their work? The current demand is to monitor the temperature of the electric heating tube during operation and overload (the t
Design techniques for reducing FPGA power consumption and ISE functional analysis toolsNew generations of FPGAs are getting faster, denser, and have more logic resources. So how do you ensure that pow