Home > Optoelectronic Circuits >Optoelectronic Display Circuits > NCP5603 driving LED typical application circuit

NCP5603 driving LED typical application circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:王达业 Keywords: LED application circuit NCP Updated: 2020/09/06

<strong><strong>NCP</strong></strong>5603 drives<strong><strong>LED</strong></strong>Typical<strong><strong>application circuit</strong></strong>. jpg

 The NCP5603 is a white LED driver designed for lighting or flash applications in mobile phone cameras and other portable electronic devices. It is a charge pump structure that uses two external ceramic capacitors to provide power conversion function and eliminates the need for inductors during power conversion. It is packaged in DEN-10 and has a size of only 3mm × 3mm × 0.9mm. It occupies a considerable PCB area. Limited, ideal for thinner portable electronic device applications. NCP5603 can provide stable voltage output to the load within the battery voltage input range of 2.7~5.5V. It has automatic working modes of 1 times voltage, 1.5 times voltage and 2 times voltage, making the device's working efficiency reach 90 %. The NCP5603 is ideally suited for driving high-current LEDs in low-cost, low-power applications that require long battery life. Since it can output current pulses up to 350mA, it can be used to drive high-brightness LEDs with power up to 1W to obtain better image quality. NCP5603 also has an EN/PWM input pin, suitable for brightness control. In addition, because the NCP 5603 does not require an external inductor to store energy, it can also be used as a low-cost, small-scale boost DC/DC converter to provide audio amplifiers for portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, MP3 players, or digital cameras. 5V or 5V fixed voltage output.




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