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Low-power RF mixer enhances receiver performance

Total of 1 lesson ,7 minutes and 15 seconds

Video Presenter: James Wong, Product Marketing Manager, High Frequency Products
RF mixers are a critical building block of new transceivers used in 3G and 4G wireless infrastructure, communications equipment and military systems. A receiver's robustness depends on its dynamic range performance.
The LTC5540/41/42/43 family of RF downconversion mixers covers the 600MHz to 4GHz frequency range and provides excellent IIP3, conversion gain and noise figure performance. In addition, these mixers consume 40% less power than their closest competitor. They also have the ability to handle unusually high levels of in-band interference compared to any other similar device. Furthermore, these mixers require fewer external components, reducing the solution footprint. As a result, these best-in-class mixers allow us to develop compact and efficient receivers without sacrificing performance.

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