The first issue - Zero Basics Introduction - 47 episodes The second issue - Kernel Programming - 20 episodes The third issue - Bare metal development - 21 episodes The fourth issue - Driver development - 82 episodes available
Now I have a project that is battery powered and requires low power consumption. There is a Bluetooth module on the board. I plan to use STM32L151C8T6 and use low-power standby mode. I plan to use the
#include/******************Main function******************/ void main(void) { /*The following six lines of program close all IO port*/ P1DIR = 0XFF;P1OUT = 0XFF; P2DIR = 0XFF;P2OUT = 0XFF; P3DIR = 0XF
According to the news on the morning of July 28th, Beijing time, Intel's interim CEO Bob Swan said that China will remain an important market for Intel. [/size][/font][/size][/font][/color][/align][al
Looking for SAMSUNG S3C2440 development board, requiring support for wince5.0 system, preferably near Shenzhen, and able to provide face-to-face technical support services.