The first issue - Zero Basics Introduction - 47 episodes The second issue - Kernel Programming - 20 episodes The third issue - Bare metal development - 21 episodes The fourth issue - Driver development - 82 episodes available
I have been debugging the cc2530 basic RF program and have succeeded. Now I am debugging the simpliciti protocol stack and the point-to-point program, but I still can't get it to work. I first chose t
I plan to use jrtplib3.7 for embedded video service on ARM9 and Linux2.4. I can use arm-linux-cross-compile jrtplib without any problem. I wrote the programs for the receiver and transmitter, compiled
Abstract: The topic of safe commutation of bidirectional switches in matrix converter (MC) is studied. Various commutation schemes are analyzed, and a four-step commutation scheme using programmable l
What do I need to prepare to make WINCE software? I need to develop a WINCE program on an ARM board recently, but I don't know what to do. Please give me some advice. If I choose C++ (EVC) as the deve
Which pin does GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_3 represent here? Why do we need to do it?