LittlevGL is a free and open source graphics library that provides everything you need to create embedded GUIs, with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and a low memory footprint.
The target board platform I'm working on recently is ARM9 + WINCE5.0. I developed it with windowsXP+vs2008+qt-embedded-wince-opensource-src-4.5.2, and the SKD uses STANDARDSDK_500. QT is already embed
I am a beginner in PIC microcontrollers and hope to make a single-chip learning board by myself. However, since I am a beginner, I don’t know how to design it and what functions it can have. I hope so
I have a desktop motherboard Intel 915GAV. There is a serial port on the back, but I can't find COM1 and COM2 in the device manager. Only the printer port is available. I updated the BIOS and installe