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Design a simple, efficient and reliable forward converter

Total of 1 lesson ,5 minutes and 47 seconds

Due to the high cost and lack of flexibility of isolated DC/DC converter modules, many designers choose a discrete design that better matches their application. In particular, forward converters with active clamp reset are widely used in custom power supplies due to their excellent efficiency and reduced component stress. While the active clamp reset method has advantages, it also introduces performance limitations and potential reliability issues that limit its use.
The LTC3765/LTC3766 are second-generation chipsets that break new ground by bringing forward converters to unprecedented levels of simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. By using Direct Flux LimitTM, the chipset eliminates the reliability issues and performance limitations of active-clamp forward converters. In addition, advanced features such as pre-biased start-up, average current limit and optocoupler-free secondary-side control simplify many applications including isolated battery chargers.

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