Explain the application and techniques of oscilloscope, the most commonly used test instrument for engineers, in general electronic measurements. For example, how to choose the appropriate oscilloscope and probe, how to reduce interference during testing, and how to find abnormal signals and quickly locate them. Keysight oscilloscopes can provide testing assistance for different industries such as IOT, medical, smart equipment, and high-speed communications. At the same time, we will also bring you a newly released entry-level personal oscilloscope from Keysight.
Nowadays, network cameras and hard disk recorders are two products that are controversial in the security industry. What are their selling points? Professionals can help analyze them: loveliness:
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CLA_0: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0x0 on Page 0 of Length 0x2: (Error -1 @ 0x1452) This '-1' value should be returned only during code development. It is a temporary value used when a more approp
Using Flash to simulate EEPROM, installing NXP official examples, NXP is from Keil, I need to port to IAR, these two sentences are wrong: [color=Red] static UNSIGNED8 mSectorMemory1[SECTOR_SIZE]__attr
In product development, it is found that USB seems to affect the accuracy of ADC?That is, when periodically sampling data, using the USB function, the data waveform willhave some irregular burrs, and