LittlevGL is a free and open source graphics library that provides everything you need to create embedded GUIs, with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and a low memory footprint.
Hello everyone, when debugging 28062, in CCS5.2., sometimes when pausing debugging, the following warning often appears: No source available for "LL$$DIV() at 0x3f4faa" No source available for "0x3ff7
[size=16px][color=#ff0000]I have read this article before. Today, my colleague sent it to me to share. I think it is good, so I would like to share it with friends who do analysis. Maybe it will be of
The camera developed on wince6 can play the video in its original size. But after using several algorithms to expand it to full screen, the playback is not smooth. How do general embedded players impl
I recently used the msp430f123 microcontroller to make a product. I found that when the power was on and reset, sometimes the program did not run, that is, the output signal was wrong. I suspected tha