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Introducing a wide-band tube amplifier

Source: InternetPublisher:赔钱虎 Keywords: Amplifier tube frequency band BSP Updated: 2021/08/15

11.Introducing a wide<strong>band</strong><strong>tube</strong><strong>amplifier</strong>.gif

As shown o RP2. R 6, R 7, R8, C 2 and C4 form a high-pass filter 9. Since C2 has a small
capacitive impedance and a large capacitive impedance to bass, the treble voltage input to RP2 is basically higher than Breaking frequency (ikHz). The cathodes of v5 and vst
are not added with bypass capacitors to cause a certain current negative feedback. The final stage has R14 and C7 to form negative feedback to eliminate distortion and
improve the high-pitched sound quality. oRP3R19, R20, ClZ C13 form a low-pass filter, and c9 is The high audio bypass capacitors oVE2 and
VE2' are directly coupled. Since there are no coupling capacitors, the bass frequency loss is less. The final stage uses push-pull amplification, which makes the output
power margin larger and reduces nonlinear distortion and noise. The sound of communication.
    Since there is current negative feedback on the cathode circuit of vl, and there is deep negative feedback from the output end on the cathode of V2,
the distortion of the entire amplifier tube is very small, and the damping of the woofer can be increased. In the cathode circuit of V3V4, R29 to R33 form
a balancing circuit, which is used to adjust the working point of the electron tube, balance the DC component in the screen current, and reduce
the impact of DC magnetization of the output transformer.
    Assembly and debugging are the same as ordinary tube radios.




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