Home > Optoelectronic Circuits >Optoelectronic Display Circuits > HM4246 touch step dimming light circuit

HM4246 touch step dimming light circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:方世玉223 Keywords: Touch type dimmer light HM Updated: 2021/11/09

134.<strong>HM</strong>4246<strong>Touch</strong>Step<strong>Dimmer Lamp</strong><strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

A special integrated circuit developed and produced for touch dimming
. It has four touch side light functions of dark, medium, bright and dark. It is a zero-crossing trigger and
has low high-frequency harmonic radiation. It has high touch sensitivity and stability, and can adapt to longer connections and higher sensor load
(-iOOpF). It is mainly used for brightness adjustment of
desk lamps and other lighting fixtures . See A1 for its circuit. 34.   The HM4246 integrated circuit adopts standard DIP 8-package, and the functions of each pin are: ① Pin LK, which is the clock signal input terminal; ② Pin Fl. It is the 60¨2/ 50Hz AC frequency input terminal; ③ pin VT, -, is the positive terminal of the power supply; ④ pin TI. It is the touch sensing input terminal; ⑤ pin CI is the sensitivity control terminal; ⑥ pin N (1, is the empty pin; ⑦ pin V is the negative terminal of the power supply; ⑧ pin AT is the pulse signal output terminal, which drives the trigger thyristor. HM The power supply voltage range of 4246 is 5~6 SV.     In H, R. RJ-2W metal film resistors are required, and e and c5 should use CBB type polypropylene capacitors with a voltage resistance of loooV to ensure user safety. [1: , G can use ordinary CD11-16V electrolytic capacitors. When in use, when the hand touches M repeatedly, the status of the bulb E is: dark light - light - brightest - J light - dark light -... changes in cycles for selection.




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