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Live replay: Internet of Everything-Shijian joins hands with Microchip experts to discuss IoT solutions

Total of 2 lessons ,1 hours and 35 seconds

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), connected devices can be found in almost every field. As a major supplier of embedded application solutions, Microchip not only provides a comprehensive product line, but also has leading technology and rich experience in IoT applications. Intelligent connection security is its main direction. In this seminar, we have invited senior engineers from Microchip to give you an in-depth explanation of one-stop solutions such as sensors, controllers, security chips, wireless connections, and cloud development kits for IoT applications. Microchip's agent Shijian will share with you relevant practical solutions that are closer to customer applications at the meeting. The two experts will discuss how to deal with various problems in the development process based on current hot topics and pain points you encounter in practice, helping you easily start the era of the Internet of Everything.

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