This series mainly explains the basic knowledge of wavelet theory, basic theory of wavelet transform and wavelet algorithm and other related knowledge.
For a resistor, 103KΩ is often used to express the value of the resistor. Some electronic circuit books say that 103K=10 x 10 3 Ω, that is, 10 4 Ω , while some books say that it is 1.0 x 10 3 Ω, that
This content is originally created by music_586 , a user on the EEWORLD forum. If you need to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indicate thesource. SP
I have looked up a lot of information about 220VAC common mode inductance on the Internet, but the formulas are either too complicated or require me to do experiments myself. Hey, my company doesn’t h
[b]Volkswagen[/b][b] Volkswagen[/b] Volkswagen's name comes from the German word for "people's car." You wouldn't know from the information on the Volkswagen website that the company's history can be
[backcolor=rgb(222, 240, 251)]My AD sampling fluctuates greatly, and someone told me that I should run a self-calibration program first. [/backcolor] [backcolor=rgb(222, 240, 251)]I don't know how to
[size=4] Inductors are commonly used electronic components in circuits and are used in various electronic products. They have a wide range of applications and are well known by many people. Among indu