The Nios II series soft-core processor is Altera's second-generation FPGA embedded processor with performance exceeding 200 DMIPS. The video explains the use of NIOS ii through practical projects of hello world, PIO, UART, and SDRAM.
JTAG interface1JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) is an international standard test protocol (IEEE 1149.1 compatible), mainly used for internal chip testing. Most advanced devices now support the JTAG pro
The software I use is Cadence. When I exported the PCB, it said that there was an undefined hole. Or FLASH SYM FLASH SYM 0 270.000 NO DARK (undefined). I drew a double-layer board and never used FLASH
I have a project that requires me to process a data frame with 44 bytes, including the frame header and check bits, which is about 48 bytes in total. The FIFO of DSP2812 is 16 levels deep. What is the