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Special integrated amplifier for headphone amplifier LM4880-01

Source: InternetPublisher:抄写员 Keywords: amplifier headphones Updated: 2020/09/16

29.<strong>Headphones</strong>Amplification dedicated<strong>Integrated</strong><strong>Amplifier</strong><strong>LM</strong>4880-01.gif

This dual audio integrated amplifier chip has a voltage range from 2.7 to 5. 5V and has an automatic shut-off function. In line with low energy consumption
, when using a +5v power supply and a load impedance of 8n, each channel has an output power of 250mW (RMS). When the frequency is 1kHz, the total
harmonic distortion is less than 0.1%; when the THD is relaxed to 10%, the maximum power output Up to 325mW (8fl).
    In order to facilitate the use of surface mounting technology and portable audio equipment, the peripheral circuit does not use a bootstrap circuit and a buffer network
. Except for a few necessary components that can adjust the overall circuit performance, there are no redundant components. The chip can work stably to the unit gain
state, which facilitates the user to adjust the amplification capability of the total circuit without causing self-excitation.
    The external packaging is divided into patch type and dual in-line type, and the serial numbers are LM4880M and LM 4880N respectively. The latter is
the same size as the general 8-pin dual op amp and is suitable for amateurs.




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