This series mainly explains the basic knowledge of wavelet theory, basic theory of wavelet transform and wavelet algorithm and other related knowledge.
This paper introduces a solar high-pressure sodium lamp electronic ballast with low voltage power supply and MC68HC908QT2 cheap single-chip control and variable frequency drive technology as the core.
I want to use a unidirectional thyristor as a DC switch. Is it possible? Use the high and low levels of the IO port of a 3.3V microcontroller to control the control end of the thyristor. Is it feasibl
When there is no signal, the pulse is at a high level, and the signal to be measured is used as a gate signal. When measuring a low level, the highest bit of the data q outputs 0, and the remaining bi
[align=left][font=新宋体]Recently, many forum friends have asked if we can have a DIY activity on our forum~ So, ladies and folks, now, we are going to launch a DIY activity, one that does not require pr
This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user chenbingjy . If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indicate the source. Chapter 7:
Pulse modulated LIV ( light - current - voltage ) laser diode testing is a typical application for the 2520INT/2520 combination. To obtain a LIV curve, the laser drive current (I) is swept and the las