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Electronic Information Science and Technology Guidance

Total of 68 lessons ,9 hours and 20 seconds

This course is an introductory introduction course to the knowledge system of electronic information science and technology. It comprehensively explains the internal correlation of the seven levels of the knowledge system of electronic information science and technology and the core knowledge framework of each level. Students majoring in electronic information and engineers in related fields after graduating from high school can gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the knowledge system of electronic information science and technology through this course.
In 2006, Professor Wang Xiqin was appointed as the head of the Department of Electronic Engineering, initiating and presiding over the teaching reform of the department. After several years of teaching discussions and research, the seven levels of electronic information science and technology knowledge system were proposed in 2009. On this basis, a new curriculum system structure for the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University was formed. Professor Huang Yidong, the current director of the department, served as the deputy director of teaching in the Department of Electronics in 2007, presiding over and promoting teaching reform, and finally formed a new curriculum system of 10 professional core courses + 24 professional restricted elective courses + 36 professional optional courses. It was officially launched in 2011.
The course "Guide to Electronic Information Science and Technology (1)" was first offered in the fall semester of 2009. The course content is organized into seven levels of knowledge system: 1. Field and matter, 2. Potential and circuit, 3. Bit and Logic, 4. Programs and Processors, 5. Data and Algorithms, 6. Communication and Networks, 7. Media and Cognition. "Overview of the History of Electromagnetics and Analytical Mathematics" and "Research Objects, Knowledge Systems and Curriculum Systems of Electronic Information Science and Technology" are added to the beginning and end of the course.
The teaching teachers are Professor Wang Xiqin, Professor Huang Yidong, Associate Professor Li Guolin, Professor Ge Ning, Associate Professor Ma Hongbing, Associate Professor Wu Ji, Professor Wang Zhaocheng and Professor Wang Shengjin.


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