Today's hot topics
Zhiji posted an article saying that he was bullied by the Internet, his account was besieged, and he was accused of using workplace PUA as a teardrop to praise suffering.
On April 10, IM Zhiji Auto issued a statement stating that after three formal apologies regarding the mislabeling of competing product configuration parameters at the Zhiji L6 launch conference, IM Zhiji Auto’s official live broadcast room, official account comment area, and dealer store live broadcast rooms were concentrated. Various harassment behaviors using a large number of insults, slanders, and personal attacks occurred.
Subsequently, Zhiji Automobile co-CEO Liu Tao’s speech at the press conference was also accused of poor marketing. Liu Tao said that the students in the team worked so hard that they would miss the birth of their children. They still stayed on the front line of work even though they had 4 consecutive health problems in a short period of time. Some classmates cruelly sent their young children to boarding schools. The content of the speech caused controversy among netizens, with many netizens saying they did not accept moral kidnapping and suffering education. Subsequently, comments about overthrowing sweatshops, orphan cars, death cars, life-selling cars, abandoning wives and children, and buying one less car for a happy family were all over the Zhiji live broadcast room.
Industry News
Employees miss the birth of their children to save their children, SAIC: Overtime work is not encouraged
On April 11, the official Weibo of "
SAIC Group
ROEWE" posted that "overtime work is not encouraged, and everyone's love for making cars is not discouraged." It is suspected to be a response to Zhiji CEO Liu Tao's statement at the previous Zhiji L6 launch conference that "employees missed their children because of the L6. Birth” in response to the remarks.
On the evening of April 8, at the Zhiji Auto L6 launch conference, Zhiji Auto CEO Liu Tao mentioned the hard work of himself and his team employees. They were so focused and hard-working that some employees missed the birth of their children. In this regard, some netizens criticized that "the values conveyed at the press conference are biased."
Zhiji Auto CEO Liu Tao also admitted that Zhiji Auto is hungry for traffic. "SAIC ROEWE" posted on Weibo, emphasizing that "traffic does not equal truth." The attitude of the CEO of Zhiji Auto seems to be somewhat different from that of SAIC. (
Something happened to another new car-making force? Employees pressed their fingerprints to collectively report: Management was falsifying sales, violent layoffs, and said the company was insolvent.
On the evening of April 9, a new car company called "XEV Youyao Automobile" released a shareholder complaint on its official WeChat public account, detailing several major charges against the management.
Employees of the company believe that the company is now facing a series of difficulties and shareholders have the right to know the true situation.
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The shareholder letter of "XEV Youyao Automobile" stated that the company has never formulated clear goals and plans that are in line with market rules and a clear budget system, resulting in unreasonable annual sales targets and chaotic financial management. At the end of 2023, the company Cash flow is close to breaking.
At present, XEV Group's overall external liabilities exceed 300 million, and its assets are worth less than 100 million, making it seriously insolvent.
The letter to shareholders pointed out that the management fabricated 70 million in sales expenses in the annual report, of which more than 44 million was
the backlog of after-sales claims for old models that the chairman was responsible for selling in the past. This part of the claim has never been accrued in previous statements. Even though the company's cash flow had deteriorated in December last year, the management still rented a sea-view office in Hong Kong and carried out luxurious decoration, which was not helpful to the company's core business. At the end of the shareholder letter, it was also stated that the company's chairman Lu Di and chief financial officer He Jianghao had committed serious dereliction of duty in the company's operation and management, and were suspected of fabricating sales, concealing the truth, making wrong decisions, and chaotic management in the company's operation and management.
The signature at the end of the "XEV Youyao Automobile" shareholder letter shows that this shareholder letter is sold by Hefei Youyao Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Youyao
Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Youyao Technology Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Youyao Intelligent New Energy Vehicle Sales Written by all employees of Ltd. At the end of the notice to shareholders, the employees’ fingerprints and signatures were attached. They believed that shareholders had the right to know the true situation. (Daily Economic News)
Zhiji’s public relations skills are suspected to be leaked: competing products, catching the overwhelming traffic
According to "Heiqishi", on April 10, a document was circulated in the WeChat group. Judging from the content of the document, Zhiji clearly asked the media teachers who participated in the press conference, "Can the media teachers please mention competing products? Traffic makes us happy." In order to help media teachers post on Weibo, two tags were thoughtfully customized, "Zhiji L6 will be released soon" and "Domestic electric sedans are either 7 or 6". Considering the specificity of these two tags, if you don't get this document, most people will not think of using "domestic electric sedans are either 7 or 6" to describe Zhiji's press conference.
According to the search results on Weibo, many celebrities in the automotive industry are posting Weibo posts with these two tags, which confirms the authenticity of this public relations document. (Heikishi)
1,095 units, Xiaomi SU7 terminal sales in the first week of April are released
According to news on April 10, judging from the latest delivery data for the first week of April, Xiaomi made it to the list in its first delivery this week. According to published data, Xiaomi Motors delivered a total of 1,093 vehicles in the 14th week, ranking 9th among new energy vehicle brands. In the sales ranking of brands in the pure electric vehicle market with more than 200,000 units, Xiaomi Motors also successfully entered the list, ranking fifth with sales of 1.1,000 units, surpassing Zhijie and Xpeng Motors.
Given that Xiaomi Motors has been delivering cars since April 3, and the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday falls from the 4th to the 6th, this delivery volume does not fully reflect the actual delivery potential of Xiaomi SU7. For reference, the weekly sales of several core competing products of Xiaomi SU7: Model 3, Jikrypton 001, and Jikrypton 007 are 519, 2617, and 452 units respectively. Since the delivery rhythm of the manufacturers is different, this data only reflects the current week. We have to wait until the end of the month to see the final results. (Autohome)
In addition, it is worth noting that in the terminal (insurance) data in the first week of April, BYD temporarily topped the sales list with sales of 45,216 vehicles. BYD positions itself as a global car company and fundamentally hopes to catch up with Toyota.
From March 5 to 12, BYD's weekly sales reached 49,399 units, exceeding the combined sales of Volkswagen and Toyota during the same period.
How does BYD catch up with the industry benchmark? Click [
How will BYD become a "Chinese version" of Toyota?
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The acquisition by Avita fell through, Gaohe Automobile responded: Xiaota will not buy it and will not play with him
According to news on April 10, a few days ago, some netizens discovered that on the product delivery booth of Gaohe Automobile’s official live broadcast room, there was a public sign saying “If Atta doesn’t buy it, don’t take him to play”. Suspected Gaohe Automobile responded that Avita has not acquired Gaohe Automobile.
Earlier media reports stated that online information showed that "Avita has reached an agreement to acquire Gaohe, and Gaohe is expected to resume work this month." Another person close to Avita revealed that Avita has now reached an agreement with Gaohe. Contacts have been made, or a cooperation agreement has been reached, and the team is currently being reorganized. In this regard, Avita officials stated that the news online that Avita has confirmed the acquisition of Gaohe is false information. (Quick Technology)
Denza D9 sales exceeded 10,000 units again in March, Zhao Changjiang: The best-selling MPV in the domestic market
According to news on April 10, Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Denza Sales Division, said in an article: Denza D9 topped the MPV market monthly sales champion in March and is the best-selling MPV in the Chinese market! Currently, the cumulative sales of Denza D9 since its launch have exceeded 150,000 units.
这两名员工何塞·格雷罗(Jose Guerrero)和维多利亚·谢 (Victoria Xie)已在洛杉矶高等法院提起了对法拉第未来、贾跃亭以及该公司人力资源主管杨楠的诉讼,指控他们存在非法解雇、违约和精神伤害行为。
能换电池的“Model Y” 乐道首车谍照曝光:有蔚来的味道
4月10日消息,蔚来全新子品牌乐道汽车预计本月发布,首车定位于纯电轿跑,可以视为“能换电”的Model Y,近日,网络上曝光了该车的谍照。
不久前,李斌亲自爆料了该车的信息,视频里,李斌主要展示了这款车后排空间,他表示自己身高180cm,在前排有人驾坐的情况下,二排腿部空间依然非常宽敞。李斌还透露称,“乐道首车将会对标特斯拉Model Y,成本会低10%左右,单电机、冰箱、彩电、大沙发,用户需要的统统装配上。(快科技)
上汽大众全新途观 L Pro 配置公布:大疆车载联合开发智驾,前排座椅支持按摩
4月10日消息,上汽大众公布了全新途观 L Pro 的大量配置信息,号称“油车智能化颠覆者”。新车将在北京车展期间(4 月 25 日开幕)正式开启预售。该车基于大众新一代模块化平台 MQB evo 打造,搭载 2.0T 发动机,后续有望推出 1.5T+48V 轻混版本、插电混动版本。
据悉新车配有 6 屏交互数字空间,包括 15 英寸 2K 悬浮中控屏、11.6 英寸副驾娱乐屏、10.3 英寸液晶仪表、黑晶流光智控旋钮、平视显示系统及手机互联,支持苹果 CarPlay、百度 CarLife 和华为 HiCar。与此同时,新车搭载了高通第 3 代骁龙座舱平台旗舰芯片(预计为 8155,官方未说明具体型号),支持多屏联动、5G 通信。此外新车搭载了与大疆车载联合开发的 IQ.Pilot 智能辅助驾驶,号称是更适合中国路况的高阶智驾辅助,包含拨杆变道、智能加塞应对、近距离跟车、智能避障等一系列功能。
极氪 009 光辉四座豪华 MPV 官宣 4 月 19 日发布,配备两把价值 50 万的座椅
4月10日消息,极氪官方宣布,旗下第六款车 —— 四座超豪华旗舰极氪 009 光辉,将于 4 月 19 日 20:00 登场。新车最大的亮点是采用了四座布局,后排为两个独立座椅,官方称每把价值 50 万元。
据悉极氪 009 光辉版此前已完成申报,新车外观与现款在售极氪 009 几乎无异,但细节部分还是拥有一些调整:车头的前格栅经过熏黑处理,换装了“大饼”样式的轮毂,辅以纯黑车身和少量镀铬装饰。其长宽高分别为 5217/2024/1812mm,轴距 3205mm,相比现款极氪 009(5209/2024/1848mm,轴距 3205mm)略有不同。
工信部提供了选装配置图,图片显示新车可选装银色 / 黑色格栅,以及不同样式的轮辋造型。从另一张车内视角图片可知,新车标配影音娱乐系统,并且采用隔板的形式将驾驶舱与乘员舱隔开。动力方面,新车配备 270/310kW 的双电机系统,最高车速达到 230km/h。
售 38.99 万元,岚图梦想家 EV 超长续航卓越版车型上市
4月10日消息,近日,岚图梦想家 EV 系列新增了一款名为超长续航卓越版的车型,官方指导价为 38.99 万元。作为参考,2024 款岚图梦想家 EV 售价区间为 33.99 万-68.99 万元。
新推出的超长续航卓越版在长续航卓越版的基础上进行了升级,两款车型价格相差 5 万元,主要改动是超长续航卓越版采用了宁德时代提供的容量为 108.73 千瓦时的三元锂电池组,使得车辆在 CLTC 工况下的纯电续航里程达到了 650 公里,比长续航卓越版增加了 140 公里。
然而,与售价更高的超长续航尊贵版(41.99 万元)相比,超长续航卓越版在价格上便宜了 3 万元,但在配置上缺少了主动安全预警、主动刹车、并线辅助、车道保持、车道居中、全速自适应巡航、前排座椅通风 / 加热 / 按摩、第二排小桌板、语音分区控制、车内氛围灯、后排隔音玻璃、热泵管理系统等诸多配置,因此性价比并不突出。(IT之家)
比亚迪混动 + 华为 HiCar,赛力斯蓝电 E5 荣耀版上市:9.98 万元起
4 月 10 日消息,赛力斯蓝电 E5 荣耀版现已上市,官方指导价 9.98 万元-11.98 万元,较上一代车型下调 4.01 万元。该系列车型定位中型大七座插混 SUV,全系标配 100 公里纯电续航及 5 项主动安全科技。
上市权益方面,蓝电 E5 荣耀版下定还可享包括终身质保、终身免费基础保养、0 首付 5 年超长金融和免费终身基础流量及 3 年车机流量等价值超过 2 万元的权益。
宝马集团一季度全球交付 594671 辆汽车,同比增长 1.1%
On April 10, the BMW Group announced its global delivery data for the first quarter of this year. Data show that the BMW Group delivered 594,671 vehicles to global customers in the first quarter of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 1.1%. During the same period, the BMW Group delivered a total of 82,700 BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce pure electric vehicles to customers around the world.
Detailed delivery status is as follows:
United States: BMW and MINI delivered 90,844 vehicles in the first quarter of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%.
Europe: BMW and MINI delivered 227,784 vehicles in the first quarter of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 5.5%.
Germany: BMW and MINI delivered 61,976 vehicles in the first quarter of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%.
China: BMW and MINI delivered 187,452 vehicles in the first quarter of 2024, a year-on-year decrease of 3.8%.
Know Car Emperor was accused of leading false reviews, official response
Recently, motorcycle enthusiast Wu Fei (pseudonym) reported to the complaint platform that he joined a WeChat group for motorcycle riders established by the staff of Understand Chedi and found that the staff in the group often posted "review activities", and riders were You can get prizes by posting and commenting on a certain number of posts on the Chedi Platform. After the reviews are reviewed, they must be reviewed by the platform. "Those who talk about the limitations and disadvantages of the car will not pass, and those who are too detailed about the price rise and fall will not pass. Let us copy what the media says." He believes that this is using prizes to guide users to make false reviews.
In this regard, a staff member of the Qingchedi platform said that the platform has no specific requirements for the content of reviews. You can use it according to your personal narrative style. The direction is to be interesting, useful, and informative. Regarding the staff member's suggestion in the group chat that users "copied what the media said", the staff member said that they would investigate and verify it. (The Paper)
Xpeng Motors officially announced that it has officially entered the Hong Kong and Macau markets and is expected to start deliveries in Hong Kong in the third quarter of this year
According to news on April 10, Xpeng Motors issued a statement saying that it will expand its business scope through cooperation with Sime Darby Motors dealers on the 10th. According to the statement, through this cooperation, Xpeng Motors will provide consumers in the Hong Kong market with the latest smart electric vehicles, as well as brand showrooms, after-sales support and comprehensive guidance throughout all stages of the purchase process. Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of this year. Xpeng Motors also announced its plans for the Macau market and will cooperate with the Xinkangheng Group. It is expected to start delivering left-hand drive models in May this year.
Analysts say Tesla's second-quarter car deliveries may continue its decline, falling again year-on-year
According to news on April 10, analysts at Robert W. Baird Company said that Tesla’s car sales in this quarter may continue to decline again after an unexpected decline in car sales in the first quarter. Ben Kallo wrote in a research report on Tuesday that Tesla may still face the problem of a high comparison base this quarter. He expects the company to deliver 444,510 vehicles in the second quarter, a 4.6% decrease from the same period last year. Kallo believes that the current deterioration of the overall demand environment in the automotive industry has posed a challenge to Tesla's sales performance.
Wells Fargo analyst Colin Langan said outright last month that Tesla is a "growth company without growth." According to previous reports, Tesla released production and sales data for the first quarter of 2024 last week. The data showed that a total of 386,810 vehicles were delivered, a year-on-year plunge of 8.5%. Analysts on average expected Tesla to deliver about 457,000 vehicles, with the forecast range ranging from 414,000 to 511,000 vehicles. As a result, actual sales fell short of the minimum standard. This data brings Tesla back to levels seen in the second half of 2022. (Bloomberg)
Chery is revealed to be building a factory in Spain
The Spanish government and its chief negotiator EV Motors recently stated that they are close to reaching an agreement with Chery Automobile, and Spain is expected to become Chery Automobile's first production base in Europe. Chery Automobile plans to establish a production base in Barcelona, Spain, and will restart the Nissan automobile factory in Spain and restore 1,600 local jobs. Chery has not yet responded to the above news. (China Business News)
Tesla: No plans to change Model Y this year
April 10th: Tesla has been significantly lowering the price of Model Y in North America recently, which has triggered market speculation that the model is trying to clear inventory before updating. On April 10, a Tesla official stated that the facelifted Model Y will not be launched in North America this year. (Financial Associated Press)
BYD Han EV becomes car number 001 for the top representative of the United Nations in China
According to news on April 10, BYD Auto’s official Weibo announced that BYD Han has become the No. 001 car for the top representative of the United Nations in China
It is understood that this is a four-wheel drive version of the Han EV that accelerates from 0 to 100 mph in 3.9 seconds, with the license plate number "330001".
It is reported that this car was delivered in December last year. According to the official Weibo of the Office of the United Nations Coordinator in China, the reason for purchasing electric vehicles is to demonstrate the commitment of the United Nations system in China through concrete actions, lead by example, take climate action, implement the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement; support China in green Play a leading role in the transformation, including electric vehicles, industry, innovation and infrastructure. (Electric Home)
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