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The road to revival of the Microsoft empire

Latest update time:2024-03-06

How did that man make Microsoft Great Again ?

Text | She Zongming

24 years ago, Wei Wuxian, who had extraordinary bones and extraordinary talents, developed peerless martial arts, and his martial arts reached the top of the Langya Ranking at the age of 25. Ping Wangji, who also had the physique of a martial arts prodigy and was one year younger than him, was far behind him in combat prowess at that time.

However, Wei Wuxian, who has entered middle age, is deeply closed-minded and self-contained, unaware that the world has changed. As a result, not only did he give up the top spot, but he was also crushed by fellow members Gu Wuji, Ya Buhui, and Lian Hu Chong. Over the years, the one ranked No. 1 is Ping Wangji, who has a deep connection with Wei Wuxian.

Since then, Wei Wuxian has learned lessons, worked hard to make up for his shortcomings, and once again reached the top two on the Langya Ranking. At first, he fought back and forth with Ping Wangji, who was ranked first, for dozens of rounds, and most of the time he was at a disadvantage. It wasn't until later that he accidentally understood the Samadhi of the "Future Sutra", and Wei Wuxian opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, activated the "God Blocks and Kills God" mode, and regained the Top 1 position in the combat power list...

When you first heard this plot, did you think it was a cool novel in the Rebirth series? In fact, it is a cool article.

But if "Jianghu" is regarded as an allusion to the technology circle, then the male protagonist can really find the prototype in reality, and it is Microsoft .

Microsoft is a legend among "Silicon Valley legends" - even though it is not headquartered in Silicon Valley.


Jack Ma once set a vision for Alibaba to "live for 102 years." He hoped that its life cycle would span three centuries ( 1999 to 2101 ) .

Why 102 instead of 502 ? Because companies in the digital age can easily be hit by Moore's Law and fall into "half-life lock-in." Management guru Gary Hamer said: The business system in the digital era no longer has the characteristics of "continuity". It is difficult for the Internet to create an everlasting company like oil or real estate giants that rely on a single business.

Looking at the history of global technology, there are very few technology companies that can continuously go through cycles and maintain a long-term momentum of prosperity. No one as strong as Microsoft can do it - before 2014 , many people gave Microsoft a reprieve.

But the great thing about Microsoft is that it can ascend to the throne in one era, fall off the altar in the next era, and then regain the throne in the next era.

In the PC Internet era, Microsoft once dominated the world, and Windows and Intel were kings. In the mobile Internet era, the old king has fallen and a new king has ascended the throne. The former corresponds to Microsoft, and the latter corresponds to Apple; and in the AI ​​era The curtain has just begun, and Microsoft has begun to dominate the world again. Microsoft and NVIDIA are stuck in the key points of AI and computing power.

Originally, people were familiar with the changing of kingship plot of "the old king fell and the new king ascended the throne", but "the old king suddenly changed and replaced the new king and became the next new king", which caught people somewhat off guard.

But it just happened. Since January 12 , 2024 , Microsoft's market value has continued to rise, surpassing Apple and regaining the throne of the world's largest company by market value. As of the close of trading on January 18 , Microsoft's market value had reached US $ 2.92 trillion, while Apple's market value was US$ 2.89 trillion.

▲In the past five years, the battle for the world’s largest company by market capitalization has become a two-person battle between Apple and Microsoft.

Microsoft's magical experience from prosperity to decline and then to prosperity may surprise many people:

20 years ago, many people, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates , may not have imagined that Microsoft, whose market value had exceeded US$ 600 billion as early as the turn of the century, would have exceeded US$ 600 billion again nearly 18 years later. ( October 20 , 2017 ) .

10 年前,许多人可能也想不到,在当时 已被视作过气巨头的微软,居然还能在数年后再度站上浪潮之巅。




回头看,微软发展史上注定有三个标志性节点: 1975 年; 2000 年; 2014

微软于 1975 年成立, 1975 年至 1999 年是快速成长期; 2000 年是巅峰时刻, 2000年 2013 年是走下坡路阶段; 2014 年是复兴起点, 2014 年至今都处在复兴期。

十年前,微软人最想梦回的也许就是千禧年。在跨入 21 世纪的前一天 1999 12 30 日) ,微软市值已达到 6616 亿美元,虽然已受到美国国会那年对微软开展反垄断调查的拖累,可微软还是创下人类历史上上市公司最高市值记录。

作为对照, 1999 年中国 GDP 1.09 万亿美元, 2000 年苹果市值最高点为 203 亿美元。

尽管 IBM 、苹果、 Lotus 们会拿着 OS/2 MacOS Notes 说「有种你就别抄」,可这阻挡不了微软 Windows 系统和 Office 软件制霸的步伐。

在遥遥领先的微软「拿着望远镜都看不到敌人」后, 42 岁的比尔·盖茨于 2000 年将 CEO 权杖交给了微软第 13 号员工史蒂夫·鲍尔默 (即现在 NBA 快船队的老板) ,自己则从台前转至幕后,将精力更多地转向公益事业。

乍看起来,曾是微软创业期功臣的鲍尔默「守业」守得挺好:他在任期间,微软员工人数增加了约 3 倍,年营收增长约 4 (从原来的约 200 亿美元增至后来的 780 亿美元) ,利润增长达 10 倍,不论是经典版本 Windows7 还是广受中小企业欢迎的 Office 365 ,都在那段时间问世。


但随之而至的,却是股价跌跌不休: 2013 8 月鲍尔默宣布一年内退休之际,微软的市值已经蒸发至 2700 亿美元。考虑到通货膨胀 、货币贬值情况,这相当于从之前 的顶楼滑落到了 B1 层。

年营收增长近 4 倍,看着还行,可跟苹果谷歌亚马逊脸书们的指数级增长相比,完全不够看。

早在 2006 年,喜剧演员约翰·霍吉曼就在某电视广告上曾讽刺微软是个不走运的僵尸企业。 到了 2013 年,中文互联网上也出现了「古早梗」:「 - 微博跟微软差了什么? - 时间。」某种程度上,这也暗含了对微软的看低。





鲍尔默掌舵微软时, Windows 的市场份额几乎是垄断级的,市场上只要卖出一部 PC 电脑,基本上都得给微软交「过 (授) (权) 费」。仅凭这点,微软就能每年坐收数百亿营收。


鲍尔默以为靠着 Windows 就能 Win (稳赢) ,殊不知时代已经变了,用户上网冲浪工具更多地从 PC 转变为 iPhone 和安卓手机, PC 端操作系统市场逐渐见顶。


虽然做出了收购诺基亚、推出 Windows Phone 、涉足社交业务等尝试,但基本都以烧钱打水漂告终。

▲2017年7月,微软方面停止对Windows Phone 8.1的主流支持服务,这被视作宣告了Windows Phone的寿终正寝。


说其保守,是因微软几乎错过了移动互联网时代,只有些微创新 + 亦步亦趋:苹果推 iPod ,微软跟着推 Zune ;苹果推 iPad ,微软跟着推 Sruface 平板;苹果推 iOS 设备,微软跟着推 Windows Phone

说其封闭,是因微软当时是开源的坚决反对者。鲍尔默还出于担心影响 PC 端出货量的顾虑,坚决反对推出移动版 Office.

说其自大,是因微软彼时有强烈的「企业自豪感」,鲍尔默曾数次嘲笑乔布斯和苹果—— 2007 年初代 iPhone 推出时,鲍尔默嘲笑「 iPhone 想进占市场根本没戏,也许它们能挣点小钱」, 2009 年又称 iPhone 不算是 Windows Mobile 的对手、不具备微软控制的手机操作同日而语的潜力。


说其擅长内斗,是因微软那时候山头主义极其严重。 网上曾经有一组硅谷大公司的组织结构图十分流行:亚马逊组织严密而有序、谷歌结构清晰而复杂、 Facebook 架构分散而扁平、微软则是山头主义横行。




但到了 第三任 CEO 纳德拉 上任后,微软很快开启了复兴之路。

在当下,不少人复盘微软「中兴」原因时会总结出一二三四五等若干个理由来,在我看来,首要在「人」——纳德拉虽然刚被 CNN Business 评为 2023 年度最佳 CEO ,但依旧是过去10年最被低估的企业 CEO



可纳德拉给出的答案是, 仅用 5 年时间,就带着微软重返巅峰 用约 10 年时间,带着微软重回全球 市值 Top.1 企业的位置。

5 年间,微软市值相继赶超亚马逊、谷歌等,等到 2018 年底,市值一度超过苹果。

2019 6 月、 2021 6 月、 2024 1 月,微软市值分别破 1 万亿美元、 2 万亿美元和超过苹果重登王座。



作为微软最大个人股东的鲍尔默,还因此躺赚,身价暴涨至 1300 多亿美元。

那,微软到底做对了什么?纳德拉为什么能 Make 微软 Great Again


纳德拉从来不渲染「 Amazing !我的 Microsoft 」。即便市值再度登顶后,在微软总部接受彭博商业周刊采访时,他都直言「如果有人为了我们的市值而庆祝,我会感到恶心。」坚称公司市值「没有任何意义」。认为任何形式的庆祝,都是「走向没落的开始」。近乎冷静到可怕。

微软高管 谢莉 · 布兰斯坦 就表示,纳德拉最与众不同的地方,在于他「从来没有过狂妄自大」。




就革新来说,微软以往的增长引擎长期依赖于 Windows Office 两大业务,现在这两个业务固然还在,但微软早就有了两个新支柱:云计算; AI

十年前,微软几乎所有业务都会围绕最核心的 Windows 业务转,新产品的命名形式通常也是「 Windows+X 」,如手机叫 Windows Phone ,云业务叫 Windows Azure 。毕竟, Windows 就是微软最大的「摇钱树」。

纳德拉上任后,却对微软进行了「系统重置」:他用云业务重塑微软,并发力 AI ,还推动「去 Windows 化」。

Driven by Nadella, Microsoft ushered in a clear strategic shift after 2014. The core business focus became "cloud, cloud, cloud." Microsoft also changed from a software giant to a leading computing engine enterprise . In 2018 , Microsoft directly terminated the previous core Windows department and split it into two teams, Azure and Office .

Thanks to its "cloud first" strategy and heavy investment, Microsoft's cloud services are gaining momentum. Whether it is the continuous upgrade of its cloud service platform Azure or the transformation of Office into a productivity software suite after being loaded with cloud services, its "cloud genes" are constantly highlighted.

In the third quarter of 2023 , Microsoft's global cloud service market share increased to 23% . Although it is still far behind Amazon, the leader in the cloud service market, it has secured second place, and now the advantages of intelligent cloud are constantly emerging.

AI is also an important focus of Microsoft. Speaking of this, the first thing many people think of is "Microsoft Xiaoice".

But Microsoft’s AI is far more than just Xiaoice. As early as 2016 , Microsoft Research Asia first proposed the ResNet structure for image recognition, with a recognition rate of more than 90% ; in 2017 , Microsoft improved the neural network acoustics and language model of the speech recognition system, reducing the error rate to 5.1% … ...It’s just that the “friendly business” Google is so dazzling that it has been covered up by the “frequency domain masking effect”.

Of course, Nadella also made a big bet on the MR headset HoloLens and burned money on the gaming platform Xbox . It was considered a bet on the metaverse and games, but he did not get the expected returns. But innovation does not exclude trial and error. It can make corrections and adjustments in a timely manner based on feedback. Those truly rigid companies often lack the ability to correct errors.

In terms of openness , whether it is cooperating more with Apple, Amazon, Google, etc., moving towards open source, or investing in OpenAI, these are all manifestations of Microsoft's open mentality.

Microsoft has previously been "sworn enemies" with Apple, Amazon, Google, etc. Under the "Windows first" strategy, Microsoft has been reluctant to launch Office versions for iOS and Android systems.

However, Nadella changed his attitude of decoupling and gave up Nokia, which Ballmer spent 7.8 billion US dollars to acquire. He avoided direct competition with Apple and Google in the field of mobile phones and instead launched Office adapted to iOS and Android systems . This resulted in the "porting" of iOS and Android applications to the Windows platform.

Marc Benioff , founder and CEO of the business software giant Salesforce , said: "Microsoft has paid a heavy price for its arrogance. After Nadella took the helm, Microsoft has become more open when it comes to cooperation with other companies. "

Microsoft has been an opponent of the open source movement before - "Fortune" magazine once mentioned that Nat Friedman and Miguel de Icaza, the "golden boys" of the Silicon Valley open source movement, once suggested to Microsoft that Windows and the Internet Programs such as Explorer were improved through open source, but were rejected by Microsoft. They later established the Xamarin company to challenge Microsoft.

By February 2016, Nadella brought Xararin under Microsoft. Nat Friedman said: This is incredible, "Microsoft has been an opponent of open source for a long time, and now, I want to say that among many large technology companies, Microsoft is the pioneer of change. . This is a huge change."

Microsoft's open attitude is also reflected in the development of AI : it not only develops AI itself , but also "empowers" OpenAI . Relying on an open mind, Microsoft has overtaken Google's competition in the AI ​​field and has become the biggest winner in this round of technology explosion. Microsoft Copilot is now directly leading the process of commercial application of generative AI .

▲ Nadella, who led Microsoft to achieve renaissance, is definitely the most undervalued technology company CEO in the past 10 years.

Although the main businesses still face strong opponents, including Amazon (cloud, intelligent voice) , Google ( AI , productivity tools, Android ) , Apple (software, iOS ) , Cisco (enterprise communications) , Oracle (database) , Linux (operation systems) , Tencent and Nintendo (game consoles and software) , etc., but relying on innovation and openness, Microsoft has once again stood on the top of the wave.


"Bloomberg Newsweek" reported four years ago that Microsoft's "rebirth" meant to its competitors that the empire had struck back.

The secret to the revival of the Microsoft empire may lie in those few words: not arrogant or narrow-minded, able to innovate and willing to open up.

If we draw lessons from Microsoft's renaissance, perhaps the most important lesson is this: greatness cannot be planned, and neither can renaissance. But the road to great enterprises is often paved by innovation and openness. Arrogance and narrow-mindedness will only lead to the opposite of revival.

Using Microsoft as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs, gains and losses, and many other things.

I hope that more Chinese technology giants can also usher in their own "Microsoft-style renaissance moment."

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