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Sine wave divider (μA747, μA795)

Source: InternetPublisher:王达业 Keywords: Crossover Updated: 2024/10/11

Sine wave divider (μA747, μA795)

As shown in the figure, this is a sine wave frequency division circuit. For the circuit that generally uses digital frequency division, its disadvantage is that it cannot maintain the original sine waveform. If a sine wave output is required, it can be obtained by adding a filter or other circuit, as shown in this circuit. In the circuit, the integrated circuits μA795 and μA747C form a standard square root circuit. The output of this circuit is the positive square root of the absolute value of the input voltage. When the input is ±0.5cosωt, the output is cos(ωt/2). The trigger 9094, the analog switches Q1 and Q2, and half of the operational amplifier μA747 form an "absolute value elimination" circuit. The trigger level of the trigger is determined by R1, so that the input channel can be automatically selected according to the size of the input signal. The output of this circuit is a sine wave with an amplitude of 1V, and the output signal frequency is half the input signal frequency.




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