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High quality stereo HI-FI combo amplifier 06

Source: InternetPublisher:酷到被通缉 Keywords: Amplifier stereo HI-FI crossover Updated: 2020/03/07

61 High Quality<strong>Stereo</strong><strong>HI-FI</strong>Combo<strong>Amplifier</strong>06.gif

It is a pair of bookshelf speakers designed to match the above two power amplifiers. In order to facilitate future upgrades, the speakers use
a combination of two different models. In order to overcome the influence of sound and image, the treble and bass installation on the panel
adopts an asymmetric structure, and the bass is on top. , with the treble at the bottom, one of the speakers is from the "Southern
Whale" brand, the bass is YD176-8X (8fl.80W), and the treble is YDQG2,0-8F (8fl,
40W). The total power the station can withstand is 120W. If the economy allows, it is best to use
HiVi speakers as speakers, SS6-5 (5fl, 60W) for bass, and SSl (6fl, 80W) for treble. The frequency divider
circuit used by these two speakers is shown in Figure 5-83. The tweeter and the crossover should be connected in opposite phases, and the crossover point of the crossover is 3. 2kHz. When making the speaker box, 20mm thick high-density fiberboard should be used, support rods should be added inside the box, and the surface should be decorated with PVC brown wood grain paper (A in Figure 5-82 is the length of the inverter hole, which is 100mm)




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