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Easy-to-make integrated circuit signal tracker circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:难得正经 Keywords: Signal Tracker Updated: 2024/10/08

The integrated circuit signal tracker circuit is simple, and only needs a low-power integrated amplifier circuit LM386 and 5 capacitors to form the whole machine, and the tracking ability is extremely strong. From the tuning circuit to the power amplifier circuit, the fault can be easily detected. Because of the loud sound, when checking the middle and low-power circuits, you can also use the speaker to play the sound, without having to wear headphones all the time, which is very convenient to use.

The circuit principle is shown in the figure above. Cl is a DC blocking capacitor; C2 is an output capacitor; C3 is used to prevent self-excitation; C4 is a power supply filter capacitor.

The signal is input from the 3rd pin of the integrated circuit LM386 through Cl. Since the input end of LM386 is biased by micro-current and has a wide frequency response, detection can be completed without an external diode. The signal is amplified and output from the 5th pin of LM386. The 1st and 8th pins of LM386 are gain controls. The highest gain can be obtained by directly connecting the two pins with a 10μF capacitor.

The printed circuit board of the machine is shown in the figure below. All components are installed on a 2cm×3.5cm printed circuit board. As long as the components are selected correctly and the wiring is correct, it can generally work normally without debugging. The headphone socket needs to be modified to make it also serve as a power switch. Since this signal tracker consumes very little power, the static current is only about 4mA, it can be powered by 4 No. 5 batteries. If 6V laminated batteries are used, the size can be further reduced.

Integrated circuit signal tracker circuit

Integrated circuit signal tracker printed circuit board




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