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A simple device activator circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:酷到被通缉 Keywords: Activator Updated: 2025/01/10

An appliance activator is a circuit that is capable of switching high-power appliances using simple components. Typically, appliance activator circuits use simple buttons and switches as activating elements to trigger the operation of the appliance. However, in this appliance activator, a simple household remote will act as the activating element. This allows this activator to operate without the need for a wired medium.


How the device activator circuit works:

This circuit uses an infrared sensor TSOP1738 which is capable of sensing infrared signals at a frequency of 38Khz, at which most of the household gadget remote controls operate. Hence, any household remote control can be used to activate the above circuit.

It is an active low device that provides a logic 0 as output when an IR signal is incident on it and a logic 1 as output when no signal is present.

TSOP1738 Pin Diagram

Edge-triggered RS flip-flop IC CD4013

It is used to activate the device. It is wired in such a way that when the input clock level changes, it changes its output state. The output of the IR sensor is fed into the clock pin of this IC. So whenever the IR signal from any remote falls on

When the TSOP1738 is on, the flip-flop changes its output state, causing the device to turn on/off accordingly.

Transistor Q1 2N2222 acts as a switch because the flip-flop cannot provide high current to drive the relay. R2 is used to limit the base current and R4 is used as a pull-down resistor to ensure the transistor state. LED

D1 acts as a function indicator and R3 acts as a limiter for the LED current. The relay is used to switch on/off the device connected to it, you can use any device provided the relay and transistor can handle the rated current of the device. D2 acts as a protection diode to prevent the current from flowing in the reverse direction.


You can use this circuit to activate any device, but make sure the transistor and relay can handle the device current without getting damaged.




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