Home > Other > How does an optocoupler work? Introduction to the working principle and function of optocoupler

How does an optocoupler work? Introduction to the working principle and function of optocoupler

Source: InternetPublisher:通通 Keywords: Optocoupler Updated: 2021/02/13

Optoelectronic products have gradually become indispensable equipment in our lives. It brings a lot of convenience to our lives, among which the optocoupler is a common front-light device. So how do optocouplers work?


1. Introduction to optocoupler

Optocoupler is mainly a photoelectric conversion component that revolves around light as a medium, which can realize free conversion between light to electricity and electricity to light. We can also call it an optoelectronic isolator. The reason why it is called so is mainly because the optocoupler can effectively isolate the electrical signals in the circuit. Effective protection circuit.


2. Working principle of optocoupler

Before we understand the working principle of the optocoupler, we first need to clearly understand the components of the optocoupler. It is mainly composed of two parts, namely the light source and the light receiver. Then the working principle revolves around these two parts.

How does an optocoupler work?


The wiring port of the light source is the input terminal, and the current enters here. The connection port of the photoreceiver is used as the output terminal, and the current is output from here. When current enters the light-emitting source, the light-emitting element emits light due to the action of the current, and the brightness of the light changes depending on the input current. When light hits the photoreceptor, the photoreceptor reacts, and the current output from here becomes photocurrent.


3. The role of optocoupler

Optocouplers are mainly used in various circuits, which can adjust the current state and play a certain protective role in the circuit. According to its characteristics, people use photoelectric couplers to make controllable photoelectric switches , which can play a very good role in controlling and stabilizing switching circuits and high-voltage circuits, providing a lot of convenience for people's use.


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