Home > Power Circuits > Inverter brightness control circuit

Inverter brightness control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:吃掉星星 Keywords: Control circuit inverter brightness control Updated: 2020/08/31

67.<strong>Inverter</strong>’s brightness<strong>control circuit</strong>.gif

Inverter brightness control circuit

Shown is the brightness control circuit of the inverter , which mainly consists of operational amplifier IC 3, diode D9, capacitor C30 and resistors R23, R22, R33, R34, R32, etc.     The main control circuit part sends the brightness adjustment signal to the ◎ pin (non-inverting input end) of the operational amplifier IC3 in the form of PWM pulses, and its output end is short-circuited with the reverse input end to form an amplifier with a voltage gain of 1 to adjust the brightness. After the level is amplified, it is rectified by D9, filtered by R23 and C30, then sent to the ④ of IC2 through R22 and R34, and sent to the @I pin of IC 2 through R33 and R32 . The width of the PWM pulse signal is adjusted and sent to the high-voltage circuit through the drive circuit. Finally, the high-voltage amplitude is changed, which also changes the brightness of the backlight, achieving the purpose of brightness adjustment.




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