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Detection and control circuit of electromagnetic stove

Source: InternetPublisher:刘德华河北分华 Keywords: control circuit electromagnetic BSP coil Updated: 2020/10/13

57.<strong>Electromagnetic</strong>Check<strong>Control Circuit</strong>.gif

Detection and control circuit of electromagnetic stove

Shown is the detection control circuit of the electromagnetic stove . The inductance of the stove coil is generally around 150 pH. The stove coil
resonates with capacitor C203. When C203 resonates, the resonance voltage generated is relatively high, so C203 is a high-voltage capacitor with a withstand voltage of 1200 V.
    The AC 220 V voltage passes through the bridge rectifier stack and becomes DC 300 V, which is applied to the stove plate coil to provide bias voltage for the stove plate coil. After the current flows through
the stove coil, it reaches the gate control tube through the mutual inductance transformer. The on and off of the gate control tube will cause the current in the stove coil
to change on and off, forming high-frequency oscillation. High-frequency oscillating current can improve the heating efficiency of the induction cooktop
    The L and N terminals are the input terminals of AC 220 V. The varistor R201 in the loop serves as overvoltage protection. That is, when the input voltage
is too high, the varistor R201 will be short-circuited for protection.
    There is also a fuse FU in the circuit. When the current of the whole machine is too large, the FU will fuse, which is also a means of protection. Therefore,
there is usually an overvoltage protection device and an overcurrent protection device in the input circuit part.





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