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Poultry warming temperature control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:D先生 Keywords: Temperature control circuit BSP contacts Updated: 2021/12/03

6. Poultry heating<strong><strong>temperature</strong> control circuit</strong>.gif

Incubation requires a certain amount of temperature, humidity, and air, as well as turning and drying eggs. These conditions are interconnected and influence each other during the incubation process,
determining the hatchability, the quality of the chicks, and the success or failure of the hatching work. The temperature of hatching plays a role in the transformation of jlf#, and
it is appropriate to store jrkr in mixed order at 37.8°C. The temperature difference between various parts of the incubator should preferably be
within the range of ±0.28°C, and should not exceed ±0.5°C at most.
The appropriate relative humidity for incubation is 45%-70%. Keep
fresh air. It is a necessary condition to ensure embryonic development. As
shown in Figure 8-6, it is a constant temperature control circuit for farmers
to use as a reference in actual operations.
    When the electric chicken hatching controller starts to work, close the switch os. At this time, the normally open contact
of the XCT-I01 moving coil temperature regulator is closed, causing the contactor to be electrically closed. The electric heating wire starts to heat the room when energized. When the temperature reaches 37.8°C, the closed contacts in the regulator are reset and released under the control of the predetermined knob, thereby cutting off the contactor control loop, causing the heating wire to stop heating and maintaining the existing temperature. When the temperature drops below 37.8°C, the normally closed contact of the regulator closes again, and the heating wire begins to heat again. This cycle repeats to maintain a constant temperature .





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