Home > Basic Circuits > Clapp oscillator

Clapp oscillator

Source: InternetPublisher:狂妄火龙果 Keywords: Oscillator BSP ground Updated: 2021/10/25

12. Clapp<strong>Oscillator</strong>.gif

The oscillator shown is a
Clapp oscillator that is modified based on the Colpitt oscillator . The basic difference from the Colpitt oscillator that there is a new capacitor C3 and an inductor in the resonant feedback circuit. devices in series.     Because C3 is much smaller than cl and C2, the oscillation frequency is almost entirely determined by C3. Because both cl and cz have one end connected to ground , the transistor junction capacitance and other stray capacitance will be related to C. and C2 are connected in parallel with the ground terminal , causing their actual values ​​to change . However, C3 will not be affected, so a more accurate and stable oscillation frequency can be produced.




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