FM24C256 interface circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:柯南道尔 Keywords: FM24C256 interface circuit BSP Updated: 2020/05/08
FM24C256 is a slave device on the I2C bus . The interface circuit is shown in Figure 27-54, and the address format is shown in Table 27-3. A2, Al, and AO are set
to low (when expanding storage capacity, the settings of A2, A1, and AO need to be changed). The lowest bit of the address is the write control bit, which is. 1 means
reading from the slave device, "o" means writing from the slave device,
after the controller MCU sends the start signal and the slave device address byte. FM24C256 monitors the bus, and when its address matches the address of the sending slave device
, it responds with a fault signal; it performs corresponding read/write operations based on the state of the read-write control bit R/W.
The MM36SB020 chip is used to store a 16×16 dot matrix Chinese character library. The control instructions of MM36SB020 are shown in the table
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