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Practical and efficient electronic mousetrap circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:elleny Keywords: Special application circuit electronic mousetrap Updated: 2021/08/19

Traditional electronic mousetraps are large in size and heavy in weight, and need to be connected to the mains for a long time, making them inconvenient for field use. In addition, mice are sensitive to electromagnetic fields, so the mousetrap effect is often unsatisfactory. In view of the above shortcomings, the author designed a practical and efficient mousetrap circuit. The circuit has good mouse-catching effect, small size, light weight, low power consumption (the circuit only works when the mouse touches the wire), and has sound and light. Instructions and other advantages. This circuit can be powered by a storage battery or a rechargeable battery with a slightly larger capacity. It can be used even when there is no mains power or in outdoor places, and the circuit is simple and easy to make.

See the circuit diagram below. The entire mousetrap consists of a boost circuit and a control circuit. Normally, the resistance at both ends A and B is infinite. When the mouse touches both ends of the wires A and B, the resistance becomes smaller, the control circuit changes from the off state to the on state, the relay pulls in, and the oscillation circuit in the boost circuit works. Generate a high voltage of about 1000V~1500V on L3, and then output it after rectification by VD1 and VD2 to kill the mouse (VD3 and VD4 act as isolation to prevent the high voltage from damaging the components in the control circuit). At the same time, the buzzer and light-emitting diodes LED1~LED3 Also connected.

Practical and efficient electronic mousetrap circuit diagram




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