SH-80051 Holiday Lights ASIC

Source: InternetPublisher:公子李 Keywords: ASIC lantern BSP power supply Updated: 2020/11/19

41.SH-80051 Holiday<strong>Lights</strong><strong>Application Specific Integrated Circuit</strong>.gif

Figure 2-85 is a single-channel flash light string made with SH-80051. The SH-80051 chip has only 4 ports: the positive power
terminal VDD; the synchronization input terminal zc; the negative power terminal vss; and the driver output terminal Ll.
    The 220V alternating current is input to the terminals L^ and LB through the light string H. After being rectified by VDI-VD4, the well is stepped down by Rl, current limiting, and
C filtered to the VDD and vss terminals of the chip. R2 provides the AC synchronization signal for the chip, and Lt is Output a trigger pulse to change
the conduction angle of the thyristor vs, thereby achieving the purpose of flashing the light string H. SH-80051 has a total of 6 flashing pattern functions,
which can automatically cycle through. The 6 patterns are specifically: 1. Flashing mode A: 2. Flashing mode B; 3. Gradually brighten and fade to dark A; 4.
Star twinkle A; 5. Gradually brighten and dim B; 6. Star twinkle B.




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